Pictured: Cindy Arent, Volunteer Cambridge
National Glass Museum Director; Sharon Miller, Museum volunteer; and Shana
Fair, Speaker Host.
Byesville Rotarians learned about interactive
programs being offered at the National Museum of Cambridge Glass. Cindy Arent,
Volunteer Museum Director, stated that visitors to the Museum do more than just
look at glass. They become part of an interactive tour offering hands-on learning
opportunities. By the tour’s conclusion, visitors will have learned about all steps
of handmade glass production. Tours typically have 3 parts: a short film and
skit, an introduction to the glassware produced at the factory, and an
interactive visit to the etching process.
Arent pointed out that several experiential
tours are offered. Visitors can meet Mr. Arthur J. Bennett and hear from the
man himself about Cambridge Glass. In the fall, museum staff offers “Downton
Abbey Etiquette” during which visitors learn proper dining behavior at Downton.
Arent and Miller, dressed in the height
of 1950’s fashion including seamed nylon stockings, presented a teaser from
their newest interactive museum program. Picking up fluffy, blue feather fans
and singing the song “Sisters,” they asked the Rotarians in which well known
movie they were performing. (Hint—it has the same title as a famous Christmas
song.). The full skit is part of the “Cambridge Glass in the Movies” exhibit.
Visitors will see how Cambridge Glass has been used as props in movies and TV
including this year’s “Empire.”
Sharon Miller, Museum volunteer, stated
the Cambridge Glass factory was established in Cambridge in 1901 by the National
Glass Company located in Pennsylvania. Arthur J. Bennett, from England, was
hired to manage the factory. Miller said that the first piece of glass produced—called
the “Big X” pitcher can be seen at the museum.
Miller went on to explain that in 1907 the
National Glass Company faced financial problems and sold the Cambridge factory
to Mr. Bennett. Under Bennett’s creative leadership, Cambridge Glass Company prospered.
During the 1920’s’ and ‘30’s the company had up to 700 employees and became
know world-wide with showrooms as far away as Los Angeles, Denver, Australia,
and New Zealand.
The Cambridge Museum contains the world’s
most extensive collection of Cambridge glass. The collection includes molds,
tools, and equipment used to make the handmade glass produced at the factory between
1902 and 1958. More information about the Museum is available at 740-432-4245
or www.cambridgeglass.org.
Connect with Byesville Rotary at: www.Byesvillerotary.blogspot.com or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Byesville-Rotary/256548047818283. The club meets
7:30 am, Tuesday at the Stop Nine Senior Center at 60313 (GPS use 60299)
Southgate Road, Byesville. Walk-ins are welcome at the club’s meeting.
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